Module 2


Learn Mick Hudson’s methods at your own pace.


The following criteria will be demonstsrated and taught in these lessons.

Training Aids –
• How to educate dogs with training aids
• Suitable livestock
• What training aids to use
• How to use training aids
• How to use our body as an aid
• Placement of training aids
• Making dogs aware of training aids
• No voice command when introducing training aids
• Lower training aids
• Respecting training aids
• All dogs are different
• Different amounts of pressure needed for individual dogs
• Educate dogs without command
• How to communicate with dogs
• How to call dogs off livestock
• Finish command
• Giving dogs opportunity to see what they have learned
Puppy Obedience Training and Tips –
• Obedience training before introducing to livestock
• Teaching pups to understand reward and discipline
• Teaching pups to lead
• Teaching pups to tie up
• Changing direction
• Loose lead training
• Short lead and long lead
• Making sure you have a bond
• Put the time in
• Ages to teach this
• Safety tips for pups and young do
Reading Livestock –
• Learning to read animals, watch livestock
• Peripheral vision
• Focus on the livestock
• Learning what move the animal might make next
• Touching livestock
• Releasing pressure
• Keeping a consistent distance around livestock
• Walking straight
• Picking the livestock to be worked
• Placing dog in correct position
• Suitable livestock
• Teaching dogs to win
• Dogs to be educated to work livestock in the correct manner and keep livestock calm
• Introducing dogs to wild livestock
Starting a Pup –
• Suitable livestock
• Signs of stress in young dogs
• Area size to train in
• Building desire
• Position yourself to catch pups
• Setting pups up for success
• Short lessons
• Introducing noise that pups associates to excitement
• Starting pups young
• Introduce to training aids
• Rewarding pups
• Lighter sheep, less educated
• Put dog in an area where they can watch livestock
• Encourage, not force
• No verbal commands
• Body position and training aids
• Time to finish lesson
• All pups are different
• Single focused handling
• Excitement at end of lesson
• Slow starting pup