Module 4


Learn Mick Hudson’s methods at your own pace.


The following criteria will be demonstsrated and taught in these lessons.

Sides –
• Using body and aids to educate
• Four sides
• Body position
• Good stop on dogs
• Anti-clockwise and clockwise directions
• Choosing side commands
• Switching sides
• Testing sides
• Side commands without aids or body movements
• Reward importance
• Full installation of sides
• Wide sides, narrow sides
Walk up and Force –
• Dogs need to be educated
• Good stop
• Bond
• How to build confidence
• How to educate dogs to force correctly
• Genetics
• Teaching dogs to win
• Weak dogs
• Reward every step
• Identify where dog is uncomfortable
• Releasing pressure
• Confidence, time and patience
Cast –
• Setting up dog to cast
• Comfort zone of livestock
• Wide command, directional commands
• Whistles for distance
• Point of control
• Over running, stopping short
• Needing stationery stock to teach
• Variation in natural ability
• Wide breaking dogs
• Wide and deep off livestock
• Distances of dog off livestock
• Cast command verses side command
• Teaching dogs to look for livestock
• Good stop and wait
• Move body
• Favourite sides
• All dogs need educating
• Don’t let dogs learn bad habits
• Look for livestock
• Time, patience and training