Complete Online Program – Duration 180 mins


Learn Mick Hudson’s methods at your own pace.

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The following criteria will be demonstsrated and taught in these lessons.

Selecting a Pup –
 Nature of pups
 Confirmation of working dogs
 Natural ability
 Endurance of dogs (stamina)
 Presence of dogs on livestock
 Select pups after they start working
 Ages of pups and dogs compared to humans
 What to teach at what age
 Select the best
Bond –
 Bonding with pup/young dog
 Spending time with pup/young dog
 Discipline and rewarding pup
 Not all pups the same
 How to create a bond with pup
 Single focused handling
 Tone of voice
Reward –
 No food rewards
 Pup/dog’s association to reward
 Pup/dog’s understanding reward
 Communicate with voice to reward
 Tone of voice, friendly pats
 Reward often
Repetition –
 Regularly repeat command
 Ask dogs only once
 Obedient dogs
 Initially educate dogs without command
 Have suitable livestock
 Teach dogs several things in a lesson
 Variation in dogs in how quick they learn
 Trainable dogs
Discipline –
 Leader of the pack
 Many forms of discipline
 Dogs must be disciplined
 No aggression toward other dogs or people
 All dogs are different, need different levels of discipline
 Body position to discipline dogs
 Releasing dogs from pressure
 No voice when disciplining dogs
 Stay calm when disciplining dogs
 Creating ignorance in dogs
Controlling emotions –
 Stay calm and focused when training
 Mistakes are good
 No signing mistakes
 Finish lesson at right time
 Time and patience important
 Educate dogs with body and training aid
 No voice educating
 No emotions to flow through to dogs
 Better way
 How to finish a lesson
Training Aids –
• How to educate dogs with training aids
• Suitable livestock
• What training aids to use
• How to use training aids
• How to use our body as an aid
• Placement of training aids
• Making dogs aware of training aids
• No voice command when introducing training aids
• Lower training aids
• Respecting training aids
• All dogs are different
• Different amounts of pressure needed for individual dogs
• Educate dogs without command
• How to communicate with dogs
• How to call dogs off livestock
• Finish command
• Giving dogs opportunity to see what they have learned
Puppy Obedience Training and Tips –
• Obedience training before introducing to livestock
• Teaching pups to understand reward and discipline
• Teaching pups to lead
• Teaching pups to tie up
• Changing direction
• Loose lead training
• Short lead and long lead
• Making sure you have a bond
• Put the time in
• Ages to teach this
• Safety tips for pups and young do
Reading Livestock –
• Learning to read animals, watch livestock
• Peripheral vision
• Focus on the livestock
• Learning what move the animal might make next
• Touching livestock
• Releasing pressure
• Keeping a consistent distance around livestock
• Walking straight
• Picking the livestock to be worked
• Placing dog in correct position
• Suitable livestock
• Teaching dogs to win
• Dogs to be educated to work livestock in the correct manner and keep livestock calm
• Introducing dogs to wild livestock
Starting a Pup –
• Suitable livestock
• Signs of stress in young dogs
• Area size to train in
• Building desire
• Position yourself to catch pups
• Setting pups up for success
• Short lessons
• Introducing noise that pups associates to excitement
• Starting pups young
• Introduce to training aids
• Rewarding pups
• Lighter sheep, less educated
• Put dog in an area where they can watch livestock
• Encourage, not force
• No verbal commands
• Body position and training aids
• Time to finish lesson
• All pups are different
• Single focused handling
• Excitement at end of lesson
• Slow starting pup
Stop/ Wait/ Recall –
• How not to be busy all the time
• Use quiet suitable livestock
• Recall dog off livestock
• Teaching dog to stop
• Teaching dog to wait
• Your body position to recall
• Use of stop command to teach recall
• Reward good responses from pup/dog
• Using a finish command
• Using a controlled environment
• Wait before training
• Control emotions when training
• Using repetition to achieve what we are teaching
Timing –
• Educate dogs in timing before command
• Using timing when balancing
• Handlers need timing to educate their dog
• Dogs learning timing
• Mechanical dogs regarding timing
• Focus on both livestock and dog
• Peripheral vision
• Timing can be improved with command
• Cover and balance at the correct time
• Take pressure off livestock at the correct time
• Repetition is how dogs learn
Balance –
• Use training aids and body
• Educate animals to walk straight
• Balance and heading first
• Balance and drive
• Educating without command
• Further educating with command
• Balance livestock to handler
• Balance dog in both directions
• Balance before side commands
• Correct distance
• Off balance
• Natural ability with balance
• Showing dogs how to do things they learn
Distance –
• Natural distance
• Release pressure
• Control distance of dogs on livestock
• Where to train paddock dogs
• Consistent distance
• Keep livestock happy
• Body position for handlers
• Comfortable distance
• Training animals to train dogs
• Distance varies for each dog
• Dogs’ presence
Sides –
• Using body and aids to educate
• Four sides
• Body position
• Good stop on dogs
• Anti-clockwise and clockwise directions
• Choosing side commands
• Switching sides
• Testing sides
• Side commands without aids or body movements
• Reward importance
• Full installation of sides
• Wide sides, narrow sides
Walk up and Force –
• Dogs need to be educated
• Good stop
• Bond
• How to build confidence
• How to educate dogs to force correctly
• Genetics
• Teaching dogs to win
• Weak dogs
• Reward every step
• Identify where dog is uncomfortable
• Releasing pressure
• Confidence, time and patience
Cast –
• Setting up dog to cast
• Comfort zone of livestock
• Wide command, directional commands
• Whistles for distance
• Point of control
• Over running, stopping short
• Needing stationery stock to teach
• Variation in natural ability
• Wide breaking dogs
• Wide and deep off livestock
• Distances of dog off livestock
• Cast command verses side command
• Teaching dogs to look for livestock
• Good stop and wait
• Move body
• Favourite sides
• All dogs need educating
• Don’t let dogs learn bad habits
• Look for livestock
• Time, patience and training