Module 3


Learn Mick Hudson’s methods at your own pace.


The following criteria will be demonstsrated and taught in these lessons.

Stop/ Wait/ Recall –
• How not to be busy all the time
• Use quiet suitable livestock
• Recall dog off livestock
• Teaching dog to stop
• Teaching dog to wait
• Your body position to recall
• Use of stop command to teach recall
• Reward good responses from pup/dog
• Using a finish command
• Using a controlled environment
• Wait before training
• Control emotions when training
• Using repetition to achieve what we are teaching
Timing –
• Educate dogs in timing before command
• Using timing when balancing
• Handlers need timing to educate their dog
• Dogs learning timing
• Mechanical dogs regarding timing
• Focus on both livestock and dog
• Peripheral vision
• Timing can be improved with command
• Cover and balance at the correct time
• Take pressure off livestock at the correct time
• Repetition is how dogs learn
Balance –
• Use training aids and body
• Educate animals to walk straight
• Balance and heading first
• Balance and drive
• Educating without command
• Further educating with command
• Balance livestock to handler
• Balance dog in both directions
• Balance before side commands
• Correct distance
• Off balance
• Natural ability with balance
• Showing dogs how to do things they learn
Distance –
• Natural distance
• Release pressure
• Control distance of dogs on livestock
• Where to train paddock dogs
• Consistent distance
• Keep livestock happy
• Body position for handlers
• Comfortable distance
• Training animals to train dogs
• Distance varies for each dog
• Dogs’ presence