
It is rare these days to find someone who is as accomplished and at the top of their game as Mick and yet as equally passionate about helping others in the same field. Mick has an unrivalled love of the sport and I feel privileged to have taken my dogs and myself to be trained by Mick. My dogs are working brilliantly and I feel confident in being able to start new dogs and address certain behaviours as they arise all from the foundations and knowledge Mick has provided.

Kind Regards

Anna Holland, Coolah NSW.

Thanks Mick, for inviting me to take part in your Working Dog Training Program. As you are aware, I am a yard dog trialler but have a desire to venture into 3 sheep and to do much better in utility trials. I, like most trainers get stuck in old habits of how to train my dogs, without a great deal of thought or reflection on how to improve my methods.

My limited experience is also a huge barrier for me and my dogs. What I liked about the interactive approach of the Working Dog Training Program videos and quick response and assessment from you, was that it allowed for continual improvement and quicker positive results. The virtual lessons are a great idea (I am more of a visual learner), as the difference with you explaining a concept over the phone and explaining it watching the video is remarkable.

This coupled with your genuine interest to help during private lessons has seen a huge improvement in my dog and stock handling skills. With your approach to educating dogs and handlers, you provide a fresh set of eyes and ideas of how to improve, taking my dogs to the next level (without the stress that usually accompanies most of my training sessions). What I also really liked, as a user of the Working Dog Training Program, I gained your knowledge and experience of working dogs and sheep all in the comfort of my home. Thanks Mick (my dogs thank you too).

Kind regards,

Greg Walton

I was very fortunate to attend a workshop at Mick and Carolyn’s place near Dubbo in January 2021. It was one of the best days of my life. I had previously only ever done some obedience training with my dog, Rusty, and was very nervous to be doing sheep work with him. I expressed my nervousness to Mick. He made me feel totally at ease. It is obvious from Mick’s achievements with sheep dog trials that he is the best of the best in the working dog training world. He is also an excellent trainer of people, which is probably a more difficult task! Especially people like myself. I loved his technique of allowing me to do the work and to guide me along the way. He knew exactly when I needed this guidance and did so in a way that made me feel comfortable. I love his passion for dogs and training them in a way that brings out the best in them. Mick and his wife, Carolyn, are wonderful people, both so friendly and hospitable. 

The day was made even more special by having the opportunity to get to know them and one of their sons, Harry. I saw how they are a close family and work so well together. I also got to taste some amazingly delicious home cooked food, made by Carolyn. Rusty was a very special dog. He was one of 7 pups in a litter to Rosie, a beautiful border collie who belonged to my husband, Jim, and I. He was highly intelligent, a natural with sheep and the cutest pup in the world. Of course, I’m not biased! He was one of two red boys we kept from the litter. The other, Shark, is also highly intelligent and loyal and has worked with Jim for years now.

Prior to attending the clinic at Mick and Carolyn’s, I had longed to work sheep with Rusty, so of course he was the obvious choice to take there. As soon as Rusty was with the sheep, he knew exactly what to do. It was me who needed the training! Mick immediately appreciated Rusty’s intelligence, nature and ability. With Mick’s guidance I gained confidence and Rusty and I worked together naturally. Since that day I admit that I did not give Rusty enough opportunities to work with sheep. He deserved to have way more opportunities and I do regret that. Sadly, he recently went to heaven after being bitten by a snake. However, I will always have that special memory of working with him at the clinic at Mick & Carolyn’s place. It was that day that has inspired me to learn more and be able to train any dog in the way that Mick trains his dogs. I’ll never be as good as Mick. However, I can aspire to be as good as I can be. I can’t wait to visit Mick and Carolyn again to do some more training with Willow, Rusty’s girlfriend and best play mate. She is a beautiful red and white border collie and also a natural with sheep. Thank you, Mick and Carolyn, for such a wonderful opportunity. I look forward to catching up again real soon.

Kind Regards

robyn Bourke

As a beginner in the sport of Three Sheepdog Trialling I have been very fortunate to have attended some of Mick's Schools - he has been unstinting with his advice and encouragement. As a retired veterinarian I thought I knew a bit about dogs but Mick has taken my understanding of them to a new level. His practical calm and analytical approach and his ability to explain complex ideas makes it easy to know what to do and when and why during the trial and how to correct problems in myself and the dog and most importantly how to practise to develop these skills. I can thoroughly recommend Mick's Schools and his teaching methods.

This is my second School with Mick, I will be back for a third. Mick has the rare ability to make complex ideas obvious and achievable even to beginners like myself. He has analysed his successful methods and reduced them to a readily understandable set of instructions, this is a rare gift. My dogs and I thank him.



Mick delivers his teaching with passion, intensity and clarity coupled with great skill. I found the two day dog school with Mick really valuable and enjoyable, there were many "I get it" moments, and I have come away with lots to continue on with. I would highly recommend Mick's teaching for any level.

It is twelve months since last training with Mick, building on what went before, I have found the experience every bit as worthwhile as the previous training and definitely value for money. Mick trains with passion, precision and encouragement plus he has the ability to translate his knowledge and skill clearly and effectively. I will definitely be booking in again.


BAVA Artist Teacher, Fifteen years as a TAFE teacher

My partner and I started the Sheepdog Trailing journey 17 months ago. 3 dogs later we continue to learn and look for teachers. We have attended a number of different schools and training which gave good and educational knowledge. However, I have had the pleasure of attending one of Mick's training sessions earlier in the year in Sydney in 2016 and found it to be very worthwhile. As my partner had not been able to attend we arranged a weekend at Mick and Carolyn’s.

Mick and Carolyn and their two boys welcome you into their environment with warm smiles and a shared interest in dogs, sheep and trailing. Mick’s training at home far surpasses any other training school that we have attended. Mick starts with the basics from dog selection to some stock handling and knowledge sharing. We started the first day going through the basics of getting a dog started which shows Mick where all 4 of us are up too and gives him an idea on what needs work. YES I SAID 4. Mick only allows 4 at a time at his place for these weekends and gives 20 hours of his time to the training sessions. You experience more one on one than I have ever gotten at any other event.

As Mick had a few dogs at the same level as us and below, we were able to see how he approaches his training with his own dogs. This in itself was an invaluable lesson. Day 2 you are given the opportunity to let Mick know what you would like to work on and he will focus on that with you. He will also let you know if you need to go back a step to get something right. Every person has a lesson in their desired improvement area. And we all have a chance to see and learn from this. Personally I went with the intent to address 3 things and left feeling that I had achieved this. It was amazing how one small change to how I was working with my dog gave a totally different response, which Mick was able to see very quickly.

We plan to go back to Mick & Carolyn’s at the first opportunity. We know that when we see Mick at trials in 2017 he will be watching us. His ethic of wanting to share his knowledge and see the people he helps improve shows his passion for the sport and his desire to see new competitors on the field. This will keep the next generation going.


Hawkesbury Sheepdog Trialling Club Members NSW